
1-15 D C C B D A D A C B C B C B A

1. flexible adj. 有彈性的


2. reward vt. 獎賞


3. affordable adj. 買得起的

    afford vt. 負擔得起

    關鍵為instead of之後的描述

4. illustration cn. 插圖


5. departure un. 出發 + for 地點


6. swiftly adv. 快速地


7. maximum adj. 最大量的

    關鍵字shouldn't be overloaded

8. intimate adj. 親密的

    關鍵字為hugging and kissing

9. label cn. 標籤


10. furiously adv. 氣憤地

     關鍵字argued with ~

11. promote vt. 推銷


12. assure vt. 使確信

      關鍵為其用法assure sb. that S + V

13. regulation cn. 規定;un. 管制 *國內時事(食安問題)

      關鍵字為scandals, tougher

14. interact vi. 互動


      interact with sb.

15. screening cn. 篩檢 *國際時事(伊波拉病毒)



16-20 A B A B C

16. 打太極拳的動詞為dopractice

17. like sth. 像是~

18. 句構為S, Ving ~, V


19. mental


      或是not only a physical but also a _________ exercise

20.reduce stress 減輕壓力


21-25  D C B D A

21. Similarly 同樣地



22. universally adv. 廣泛

23. alert sb. to sth. 使警戒




24. represent = stand for = symbolize 代表;象徵

25. 依語意選unlucky


26-30 D B A C A

26. from early humans gathering fruits ~

      選主動Ving態          = who gathered

27.with + O + O.C. 附帶條件

     with over 7000 different kinds in existence

                                                   adj. 存在的

28. 前句over 7000 different kinds = variety 多樣

29. in the 17th century為過去時間

      所以要用過去式was brought

30. regularly adv. 經常




31-35 C D H I A

36-40 E J G F B



41-44 B B D C

41. 第二段第一句為線索

      (A) 並非創立於2009

      (C) 是傳統歌謠

      (D) 有些歌其實是孩子教父母唱

42. 第二段第二句a cappella為線索,也就是清唱無伴奏

43. 第三段主題句即為答案的推論線索

      singing traditional ballads has helped students and their parents to re-understand their culture.

      the pieces of a blurred memory

      blurred = vague

44. 最後一段Camake said, "We ~ but we were able to bring our culture along. ~"


45-48 C C A A

45. 第一段前幾句即為主旨

46. 第二段中間的敘述即可發現答案

      (A) 沒有此敘述

      (B) 文章沒有提到保險

      (D) complaint在文章中不是抱怨的意思,而是身體不適

47. 某群人跨越了界線


48. 第一段的敘述為作者的想法所在


49-52 A B C C

49. 第二段敘述即為答案

      (A) frugal = economical adj. 節儉的

      (B) 文章並無提及他父親的工廠在巴黎

      (C) 並無破產

      (D) 文章是formal ways of education,亦即傳統的教育方針,並非開明的方式

50. 第四段第一句為答案

      (A) 沒有一生都追求攝影,1968年是轉捩點

      (C) 中間間隔了10幾年,沒有很快就放棄

      (D) 是第二次世界大戰後,而非期間

51. 第五段可找到關鍵

52. 第四段最後一句說明他的照片是一般生活的寫照

      (A) 應改為肯定句

      (B) 他認為照片不需要加工

      (D) 根據第六段第一句,他的攝影方式沒有太多改變


53-56 D C C B

53. 綜合第一段和最後一句的敘述即為目的

54. sedentary adj. 久坐的


55. 第二段中間

56. 第三段後兩句的說明及可推論出答案



1. 一個成功的企業不應該把獲利當作最主要的目標

A successful enterprise should not take/ regard/ view making profits as its major goal.

= A successful enterprise should not consider making profits (to be) its major goal.

= A successful enterprise should not take making profits as its main objective.

= A successful enterprise should not take making profits as its top priority.


2. 它應該負起社會責任,以增進大眾的福祉

It should take the social responsibility to improve the welfare/ well-being of the public.

= It should assume/ shoulder the social responsibility to promote the welfare of the public.



     Given a chance to read either of the two recommended books for outside reading during the summer vacation, I prefer EVERYONE IS BEAUTIFUL: Respecting Others & Be Yourself, written by Caroline Strong. Judging from the title, I think the book demonstrates how to interact effectively with others through a number of scientific findings and living examples. Everyone, without a doubt, possesses their own uniqueness; however, in a democratic society, we individuals should be equipped with social skills to carve out a more harmonious living environment. We have a lot of opportunities to work, hang out, argue, or negotiate with others, but in the process of these social contexts, we sometimes need to learn to compromise because conflict arises inevitably. The book, in my opinion, teaches readers to become flexible but simultaneously not lost in others’ tide. Moreover, it may provide real-life situations for readers to think critically and also some possible solutions to the problems.

      The reason why I will choose this book as my extracurricular source of reading is that being a human is a formidable task in life. There is a diversity of people living on our planet and they have their own style of thinking and code of behavior because of different cultures and family backgrounds. Therefore, by reading this book, I can broaden my horizons and learn to sharpen my social skills, especially speaking skills. I believe that the art of speech shapes people into several categories, and I want to be classified as courteous and well-rounded for fear of offending others or causing others inconvenience. Being oneself can win or break. Suppose being oneself without sparing others’ feelings. What a miserably selfish world! Perhaps it is advisable that we be unique, breaking the mold to make some changes to the world; however, if being oneself builds on treating others with disdain, the world will definitely not be reciprocal but diabolical. All reasons considered, I would like to read this book. It is about time for me to open the book and devour the knowledge of it. (341 words)

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