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The six Kaohsiung prison inmates who took prison wardens hostage Wednesday all committed suicide some 14 hours into their breakout attempt, leaving Warden Chen Shih-chih (陳世志) alive and well.

inmate 囚犯

take sb. hostage 挾持做人質

= hold sb. hostage

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Chi-huang 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

Scientists believe they have discovered why people who work nightshifts are more prone to weight gain and obesity. Rather than eating more, night workers burn off fewer calories, their research suggests.


The scientists told the journal PNAS eating at night messed with our body’s natural metabolism.


The researchers set up a small trial [where volunteers ate identical amounts as they switched between working days and nights].

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TAIPEI, Taiwan—The injured hippo that has held the attention of many in Taiwan was pronounced dead yesterday morning by veterinarians, and its recreational farm owners were fined NT$500,000 and may face up to a year behind bars.

Nicknamed A-he (阿河), the hippo had been a longtime favorite with local tourists that flocked to his original home at Taichung's Skyzoo recreational farm. A-he first caught the attention of the public when he was reported to have jumped from the truck transporting him to a new home on Friday, suffering some broken teeth and a broken leg, and was seen with milky white “tears” running down his face.

The next day, A-he was seen dropped from a height of two meters in the trunk holding him when he was being lowered into a new pond, as the cable on the hoist snapped.

Previously, the veterinarian of Skyzoo reasoned that the 32-year-old hippo's injuries may heal if he continued to live in a watery habitat, as the water supported his weight of two tons without straining his broken leg. It was also reported that A-he was reacting well to his new habitat, as he was seen eating and swimming around.

Early yesterday morning, A-he's caretakers discovered that the hippo had not surfaced for air over a long period of time, only to see that it had sunk to the bottom of the pond.

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