TAIPEI, Taiwan—The injured hippo that has held the attention of many in Taiwan was pronounced dead yesterday morning by veterinarians, and its recreational farm owners were fined NT$500,000 and may face up to a year behind bars.

Nicknamed A-he (阿河), the hippo had been a longtime favorite with local tourists that flocked to his original home at Taichung's Skyzoo recreational farm. A-he first caught the attention of the public when he was reported to have jumped from the truck transporting him to a new home on Friday, suffering some broken teeth and a broken leg, and was seen with milky white “tears” running down his face.

The next day, A-he was seen dropped from a height of two meters in the trunk holding him when he was being lowered into a new pond, as the cable on the hoist snapped.

Previously, the veterinarian of Skyzoo reasoned that the 32-year-old hippo's injuries may heal if he continued to live in a watery habitat, as the water supported his weight of two tons without straining his broken leg. It was also reported that A-he was reacting well to his new habitat, as he was seen eating and swimming around.

Early yesterday morning, A-he's caretakers discovered that the hippo had not surfaced for air over a long period of time, only to see that it had sunk to the bottom of the pond.

本文擷取自China Post



be pronounced dead 宣告死亡

如果是be presumed dead,則是推斷已死亡

recreational adj. 休閒的

recreational activities 休閒活動

fine vt. 課處罰金

常見用法:be fined + 金錢 + for 原因

behind bars phr. 坐牢

flock to a place 湧入某地

hoist cn. 起重機

snap vi. 啪一聲斷裂

previously adv. 之前

reason vt. 推斷

補充:reason with sb. 和某人講道理

habitat cn. 棲息地

strain vt. 拉傷

strain one's eyes 用眼過度

surface vi. 浮出水面



1. with + O. + O.C. 表示附帶動作

The hippo was seen with milky white tears running down his face.




He left with the door ajar.


The child made his birthday wishes with his eyes closed.


2. , only to V 表結果是~;卻~

參照:A-he's caretakers discovered ~, only to see that it had sunk to ~.



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