文章來自China Post

The six Kaohsiung prison inmates who took prison wardens hostage Wednesday all committed suicide some 14 hours into their breakout attempt, leaving Warden Chen Shih-chih (陳世志) alive and well.

inmate 囚犯

take sb. hostage 挾持做人質

= hold sb. hostage

warden 典獄長

commit suicide 自殺

some = about 大約


Their bodies will undergo autopsies in the near future, said the Kaohsiung District Prosecutors Office.

undergo 接受(手術或檢查)

autopsy 驗屍

= postmortem examination


The six broke into the prison's weapons cache and succeeded in retrieving 10 handguns and rifles.

break into = intrude into 闖入

cache 藏匿處


succeed in Ving 成功做某事

retrieve 收回;挽回(局勢)



The inmates demanded the prison (should) prepare a fully fueled vehicle for their escape; the prison denied the request and called the police as the inmates readied themselves to escape.


vehicle 車輛


Seeing the inmates' attempting to flee, the police advanced and fired a volley of shots to force the inmates back at a 15-meter range; the six then backed into the prison again.


前後主詞相同,都為the police



a volley of shots 群射


a barrage of shots 槍林彈雨

= a fusillade of shots

range 射程


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